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“Courageous Philanthropy”

Going Public in a closely held world, a story about Power, Risk, Equity and Ownership in Community Change,

"Fraught with challenges, getting to the unique award-winning design that captured the beauty and spirit of the community's diverse backgrounds was a breakthrough moment for trust building".

“I admire your courage. Joe Jacobs had it right. You have left a legacy that will not be forgotten”.

“Hector gave a community its vision of place”.

Jennifer Vanica, September 19, 2018  /  learn more



“The San Diego Union Tribune: "Downtown site enhances urban area"

Choosing sides; architect Hector Reyes offers his perspective on the best site for San Diego Chargers football team.

Hector A. Reyes,  REYES architects, February 07, 2015  /  learn more



“The San Diego Union Tribune: "Bold action is needed to enhance the bayfront"

Restorint the bayfront as a prominent - social, cultural, entertainment district - feature for the public realm, restoring public beaches, green parkland and unifying communities.

Hector A. Reyes,  REYES architects, February 23, 2012  /  learn more



"AIA California Council: CEQA Best Practices for Architects" Entitlements. 

Interviews with AIACC members for report which demonstrate that architects can implement certain “best practices” internally to mitigate many of the CEQA challenges.

Hector A. Reyes,  REYES architects, 1st Quarter, 2009  /  learn more



The San Diego Union Tribune: “City Council approves ‘green’ building rules”,

Tanya Mannes Staff Writer, April 2, 2008  learn more



“The San Diego Union Tribune: Impact by Design, Young Architects bring fresh insight and influence to the border region”,

Ann Jarmusch Architecture Critic, May 11, 2003  learn more



“Latino Builders Magazine: San Diego Architect in a Groove”,

Jessie Macias, November-December 2001  learn more



“The San Diego Union Tribune: Architect is Building a Connection”,

Ozzie Roberts, November 26, 2000  learn more



“San Diego Bussiness Journal: Commercial - Art, Architecture Work Together on Plaza Project”,

December 11, 2000  learn more



“San Diego Daily Transcript: Artist Architects transforming Market Creek Plaza into Commercial-Cultural Center”,

January 25, 2001  learn more



“Regional Transportation Center Newsletter: San Diego Gas and Electric, Savings by Design”,

1998  learn more

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